Apple Picking!

Fall in upstate New York!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ah, fall. Time for apples and pumpkins. Which means going out in the mud and picking delicious apples. Then going home, drinking cider til it tastes bad, and eating carmel and apples. Posted by Picasa

Kari had never been apple-picking. Look at what a good Mexican she is! Posted by Picasa

Excited to be picking apples for the first time! Posted by Picasa

DON'T PICK THAT ONE! Posted by Picasa

Love the apple.  Posted by Picasa

Juggling the apples....of course.  Posted by Picasa

Dave has to play with EVERYTHING that is round at all... Posted by Picasa

We picked some kind of apples that I forgot! Posted by Picasa

and Fortune! Posted by Picasa

EWWW! Grossest apple ever! Posted by Picasa

Jared teaches us all how to use the Giant variety of a Doot-do-doo. Enjoy Fall! Posted by Picasa